Monday until Friday 8 am - 2 pm 05473 | 9585-0

General Terms and Conditions

Our goods can only be delivered to customers presenting a trading license.

Our company regularly reviews the creditworthiness of customers upon the conclusion of contract and in certain cases in which a legitimate interest exists also that of established customers. For this purpose we work together with Creditreform / Boniversum GmbH, Hellersbergstraße 11, 41460 Neuss which provides us with the needed data. In this context we submit your name and contact dates to Creditreform Boniversum GmbH. Information according to Art. 14 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the data processed by Creditreform Boniversum GmbH can be found here:  /

In the event of poor creditworthiness the delivery will only take place by advance payment or cash on delivery.

The initial order is generally billed by payment in advance.

Out of stock articles: 
If a certain article is out of stock and therefore cannot be delivered we will inform you about its non-availability.

In case of possible return shipments we ask you to provide sufficient postage to avoid unnecessary costs.   

Deliveries to new customers abroad are only possible by  credit card (Eurocard/ Mastercard, Visa Card, American Express) or by advance payment unless other agreements have been made.

Reservation of ownership:
The goods remain our property until they have been fully paid.

Karin Reller e.K.
Zum Österreich 9
49179 Ostercappeln

Tel.: +49-(0) 54 73 - 95 85 0 / Fax: +49-(0) 54 73 - 95 85 25

Tax ID: DE 319 441 310

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